Friday, December 22, 2000

My AOL | Today's News | Clinton Pardons Dan Rostenkowski

This guy's name seemed vaguely familiar, but what really hit the memory was further down in the article.

"The officials said the two others Clinton planned to pardon are:

Dorothy Gaines, 42, of Mobile, Ala., who similarly received 19 years, seven months for her low-level role in a local drug ring. The men who actually ran it received more lenient sentences."

I heard about this last year, on an NPR show called This American Life, and was just horrifed.

Dorothy's story is here. Coincedentally, Daniel Rostenkowski was also featured in the This American Life program.

Wednesday, December 20, 2000

BBC News | ENTERTAINMENT | Music industry mourns MacColl

Kirsty MacColl 1959 - 2000 - NME.COM

Well. This was like a punch in the face really. She was only 41, she was a contemporary, dammit. She wrote really clever songs, fun and interesting lyrics, I love her voice.. She'd just released a very cool Brazilian/Cuabn influenced album, check out the track "In these shoes?" as a song really indicative of who Kirsty Maccoll was an artist.

I feel bereft.

Tuesday, December 19, 2000


Really. Sometimes there is such a thing as Too Much Meat. Even if it's Poultry. Read further! There's an Ostrich variation...

Monday, December 18, 2000

'I just want him off the streets ...' - - Page One

Am I a nasty suspicious soul to think that there's something not right here? Or am I just used to hearing the police concentrate on the spouse, and I've been programmed to instantly look towards the ostensibly greiving husband. I hope I'm just a nasty suspicious soul, I'd really rather not be proven right in a case like this one.